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Important Information

Final Forms - Updating Student Information & Registration
Registration Information & Link

Please contact PWES registrar, Judy Peck, tel: 575-1103 or email

Student Online Excuse Submission

In this site you are able to upload medical notes and parent notes.

Hire a Tutor
Spirit Rocks
PTO Membership

Now Hiring Substitutes

District Motto

Mission & Vision Statement

About Us


Mission Statement

Piney Woods Elementary fosters an enthusiastic and creative community of lifelong learners using a collaborative and inclusive environment that provides challenging instruction, problem solving and real world applications for our 21st century learners.

Vision Statement

Piney Woods Elementary will develop well rounded, confident and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential.  We will do this by providing a welcoming, happy, safe and supportive learning environment in which everyone is equal.



PTA testing dates:

Primary PTA testing for 2nd/3rd grade: Feb. 19 & Feb. 20 (8am-10:30am)
Intermediate PTA testing for 4th grade: Feb. 25 & Feb. 26 (8am-10:30am)

Jan. 27th - Think Move Chess Academy school program, now enrolling, link



Upcoming Events

Early Release Days

Early Release times are: 7:40-11:40 am. Please mark your calendars for these early release days:
March 6, and April 3 (all dates are Thursdays)

Make sure to follow our Facebook page @pineywoodselem. This will keep you updated and allow you to see all our fun school events throughout the year as well as a place to keep you informed on PTO information

PWES 2024-25 Calendar


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Latest News

SC United Strikers Flyer Soccer program

Soccer Flyer

Good News Club Flyer

Cafeteria - You can check your balance before you come to lunch at . Payment processes immediately. Thank you!

Lunch reminder - No restaurant food in cafeteria


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