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Attendance excuses may be turned in the main office or submit attendance electronically  Student Attendance Excuse form
Judy Peck, Attendance Clerk
Phone: 803-756-1103
Fax: 803-756-1120
Tardy to School: Students who arrive late on campus must sign in at the main office. Students who miss more than half of the day will be marked absent for that day. One parent note and 5 parent sign-ins (for a total of 6 per semester) are excused tardies. Legal excuses are not counted toward the 6 excused tardies. All unexcused tardies are subject to disciplinary action.  
Early Dismissal:  Parents must notify the office if a student needs to leave school during the day. All early dismissal excuses are to be turned in to the office and there is no early dismissal after 2 pm. Acceptable forms of notification or a fax from the parent (803-756-1120). All requests for early dismissal must include the student's name, date and time for dismissal, the parent’s signature, and the parent's phone number.  Phone calls are not acceptable forms of notification. Students must be signed out by a parent if acceptable notification is not on file with the main office.  The same criteria for regular absences are used to determine whether an early dismissal is lawful or unlawful.  
Absences and Excuses:  If you know that your student is going to be absent for the day, please notify the main office or Judy Peck as early as possible. A note from a parent/guardian, physician, dentist, or other licensed medical practitioner or legal officer is required for each absence. The note must be dated and include the date(s) of absence(s), the reason(s) for the absence(s), the telephone number of the parent/guardian and signature. The note must be presented to the attendance office within 72 hours of the student’s return to school. * Parent notes alone are not considered legal excuses and will count toward the total of allowed unexcused absences. Student Attendance Excuse form may be submitted as an electronic parent note.  
*Lawful Absences:
  • Absences that are excused by a doctor or other medical professional.
  • Death in the immediate family (parent, grandparent or sibling)
  • Court appearances
  • A recognized religious holiday
  • Special circumstances approved in advance by the principal (teachers do not have the authority to approve absences for special circumstances. You must get approval from an administrator).
  • If your child has an illness that will cause an absence in excess of five days, you must contact the school and make a request for homebound instruction. You must have medical documentation verifying the need for this request.
  • A total of three consecutive or five total unlawful absences are considered to be truancy. A determination of truancy may result in a referral to Family Court.