Health Room
Hello Purple Martins!
The school nurse gives medication, administers first aid, assesses students for illness, assists with other needs, and performs vision and hearing screenings. The school nurse does not treat injuries received outside of the school or diagnose medical conditions. Please remember that if you are called by the school nurse to pick up your child, you should do so in a timely manner. Minor injuries will be assessed and treated accordingly by the nurse.
There are times when a student should remain at home for his/her own welfare and for the protection of others. Students who have had a dental procedure requiring sedation and/or anesthetic should not return to school until the anesthetic has completely worn off and the student has full feeling returned to their mouth and tongue. Students are at a higher risk for injuring their mouth while it is numb and their pain level cannot be adequately gauged. Students who have had a tooth extracted must also remain at home until they are no longer having active bleeding. Students with a fever must remain home per SCDHEC exclusion guidelines. For other conditions that would require your student to remain at home please see DHEC’s “School Exclusion List” for students who are in 1st through 12th grade and DHEC’s “Childcare Exclusion List” for students who are in K3, K4, K5, or who are medically fragile. These exclusion lists may be located through the district’s web site.
When Should my Student Remain at Home list
* A child is still considered febrile (feverish) even if on fever reducing meds such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen. These meds bring the fever down, but the child is still contagious. A child should be completely fever free for 24 hours without medication in order to return to school. If your child is sent home with fever, he or she cannot come back to school the next day. If this occurs, you will be called to pick him/her up as soon as possible.
Medication Policy
Medications to be taken during school hours must be brought to school and delivered to the school nurse or designated adult in the ORIGINAL container with all labels intact. Over the counter medications should only be sent to school for a specific condition your child is known to experience. Whenever possible, medications should be given before or after school. All medications must be accompanied by parental permission and prescription medication also require written authorization from the prescribing physician or health care provider. Herbals, food supplements, alternative medicinal products, and other items that do not have FDA approval also require a written order from a prescribing health care provider in addition to a parent signature.
School Administration of Prescription and Non-Prescription Medication Form– Please print, fill out the form, and bring it to the health room or school office with the child’s medication. The medication must be in the original container. The medication consent form must be signed by a physician.
Other Forms: Self Medicate Permission and Self Monitor
Immunization Policy– State law requires that the school have a copy of an up-to-date immunization record for each child that is attending our school.
Lexington-Richland School District Five Health Services link
Thank you for your help in keeping our school’s children healthy.
Tami Hames, RN, School Nurse,
Piney Woods Elementary School Telephone 803-756-1105 or Main Office 803-756-1101 Fax 803-756-1120